Every piglet farmer is unique in its objectives and challenges. That is why we made it easier for you to make the right choice. We offer two concept lines that can be tailored to your specific needs: the Big Litter line, which is formulated for survival through replacement of sow milk, and the Robust Litter line, which is formulated to prepare the piglet for weaning. By working together with you, we determine which line will suit your needs best.
In fairly large litters, colostrum and sow milk will provide piglets with the majority of the nutrients they need. However, a high-quality additional transition milk is needed to prepare them for smooth weaning. After weaning, the supply of nutrients changes radically. Carbohydrates replace fat as the main energy source, combined with a shift from animal to vegetable protein.
Piglait’s Robust Litter line includes specific milks and liquid prestarters that are designed to ‘train’ the gut of young piglets and can be fed through cups. The digestive system must reach a certain level of maturation for the piglet to be able to digest carbohydrates and vegetable proteins. Normally, this level is only reached after weaning, but it can be attained before weaning with Piglait. The gut maturation is improved not only by digestion of the milks and liquid prestarters themselves, but also by increasing the feed intake per piglet as well as the number of eaters before weaning. This results not only in an improved weaning weight, but also in more homogenous litters at weaning. These and more results of the eaters/non-eaters trial will be published soon, so keep an eye out!
The Robust Litter line is advised for large litters farms, with early weaning systems, farms situated in warmer climates or big integrator units.